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Advance Planning

Mt. Olivet Cemetery and your funeral home counselor can help you with planning ahead as well as when any need arises. Advance planning for burial plots for you and your loved ones has many advantages.  Most importantly…to be able to focus more on human emotional needs at the time of death, rather than details.  Arranging burial details in advance also provides more time to think through all the best options and discuss with family members.  Advance planning also can help achieve lower costs.


Personal Consultation with Mt. Olivet

Tom Brlansky, our Mt. Olivet consultant is available to discuss discuss your situation and how Mt. Olivet Cemetery can best meet your needs. He can work directly with you as well as with your funeral home director.

Phone: 717-774-2150


Flag at half mast at the cemetery

Funeral Home Contacts

Local funeral home partners are listed in Friends of Mt. Olivet.

Additional Resources for Advance Planning

There are many websites to help you get your affairs in order, including your will and other legal documents.  The US Department of Health & Human Services’ National Institute on Aging is a good place to start. Another valuable resource for advanced planning is